Home > Quote For Portrait & Reproductions

Quote For Portrait & Reproductions

Custom 100% hand painted oil portrait and oil reproductions.
Send pictures you would like to be painted to our E-mail: [email protected] 
, tell us the size, requirement and etc. You will get a quote within 12 hours. Thanks


We offer the international standard size, If you need a different size. Please contact with us by E-mail: [email protected] .
It is the same price for the featured portrait, regular portrait such as history oil portrait, creative portrait, royal portrait, family portrait, wedding portrait, couple portrait, pet portrait and etc.
1 figure means 1 people, or 1 dog , or 1 cat.  For example,1 people add 1 dog means 2 figures, 1 dog add 1 cat means 2 figures.
Size: 1 inches=2.54cm
Currency $ USD


The price of custom oil reproductions is the averaged price, the detailed price maybe has slight different depend on the complexity and size of the pictures you sent. Have any questions , please contact with us.


We offer the international standard size, If you need a different size. Please contact with us by E-mail: [email protected] .

Custom 100% hand painted oil portrait paintings and oil painting reproductions on canvas. Here is the process. Have any questions,Feel Free contact with us.
E-mail: [email protected] 
Contact Us Start Painting
1, Send Us Photos
1, Send Us Photos Send photos you would like to be painted to our E-mail: [email protected]
, tell us the size, requirement and etc.
2, Place Order
2, Place Order You done the advance 50% deposit, we work with your orders. In usually, the painting will be finished around 7-15 days.
3, Work With Your Order
3, Work With Your Order Your order been finished, we will send you photos of finished paintings for approval.
4, Ship Your Order
4, Ship Your Order You done the remaining 50% amount, Confirm the shipping informations, then we will ship your order asap.
Step by step let you see how it works